Author: John Morton
The Holidays Are Hard
This year I find myself struggling with the holidays more than usual. Never would I have imagined that instead of joy and happiness, the string of events from Thanksgiving to New Years would bring increased unease and discontent. Without kids or a significant other, I often feel subject to the whims of extended family. I’m…
Side Hustle Open For Business
Some annoying voices in my head are telling me that I’m going about this all wrong, but sometimes the best way to learn is by doing. There are no trumpets playing or ribbons to cut, but my online storefront is now officially open.
New Print, New Doubts, New Projects
This week I finished up a new print. It’s called “Records Are Ritual” and pays homage to the collecting vinyl records. It is a 4-color print on natural color 100# cover stock. It is a numbered edition limited to 33 pieces.
Love Poem First Run
Last weekend I finally printed a small print run of the Love Poem. As I write this I’m still navigating how I’m going to list and sell them in an online store front. Historically my attempts to sell art online have not gone well. At any rate, I thought I’d talk about some of the…
The End of Neat and Keen?
What is/was “Neat & Keen”? In 2015 I built a screen printing studio in my basement with the intent of becoming a screen printing artist. My hope was to try and get into the gig poster scene (designing posters for rock shows) and maybe some art prints.