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  • Wayne Ivan Bagwill

    Wayne Ivan Bagwill

    Last week my grandfather passed away. He went into hospice care on Tuesday, and when I learned the news I had a hard time focusing on much else. Eventually I went on to write a LinkedIn post about how my grandfather is largely responsible for my entrepreneurial spirit. He passed away shortly after and the…

  • DeKalb Arts Collective Survey

    DeKalb Arts Collective Survey

    Last week I took a survey regarding the possibility of having some sort of Art Collective in Dekalb. Below I have summarized the findings in a video. If you prefer to read, here’s a written summary. How long have you been making art? This is kind of what I hoped to see. A good mix…

  • Leap of Faith: Fulltime Freelance

    Leap of Faith: Fulltime Freelance

    How do you feel about a taking a leap of faith? It makes me nervous because it has come back to bite me more often than not, professionally and personally. And yet, often it is the only way to really break a cycle. Here’s The Deal One of my UX peers has been freelancing over…