Tag: ux career

  • Stressing  Out

    Stressing Out

    New Job Last week I accepted an offer to return to my former job at 3M. It is bittersweet in a number of ways, but mostly bitter. I won’t be returning at the same level I left. Instead, I’ll be at the very bottom of the ladder and have to work my way up.  I…

  • Untitled No. 1

    Untitled No. 1

    One of my problems is that I’m always taking on too many projects, and today is no different. In recognition of this problem, recently I attempted to wrap up one of my projects, the Fender Coronado II rebuild. It took several hours to correctly solder and stuff the electronic guts into the body, but I…

  • UX Career Journey Pt. 7

    UX Career Journey Pt. 7

    Over the weekend I recorded and uploaded a new video documenting the progress on my UX Career Journey. Jobs continue to be scarce and I find myself diving more into freelance and passion projects as time allows. The biggest update is that I am studying for the Series 65 License. So that’s something. Watch the…