DeKalb Arts Collective Survey

Last week I took a survey regarding the possibility of having some sort of Art Collective in Dekalb. Below I have summarized the findings in a video.

If you prefer to read, here’s a written summary.

How long have you been making art?

This is kind of what I hoped to see. A good mix of experience across the board. Five of us (one third) have over 20 years experience. The vast majority have more than 5 years experience.

What is your primary medium or interest?

  • Painting: 6 (40%) Painting
  • Ceramics: 2 (13.3%) Ceramics
  • Illustrations: 2 (13.3%) 
  • Digital Art: 2 (13.3%) 
  • Printmaking: 1 (6.7%)
  • Fiber Arts: 1 (6.7%)
  • All of the above: 1 (6.7%) 

I screwed up with the formatting of the question and probably shouldn’t have allowed people to specify an “Other”. For example, “All of the above” doesn’t give us an answer to to user’s primary interest. I like all those things too, but I’d still join an art collective if the one thing that wasn’t offered was printmaking.

What other mediums do you enjoy?

The preceding question indicates that painting is the most important interest, and this indicates a three-way tie for Illustration, Ceramics, and Woodworking.

  • Illustration: 10 (66.7%)
  • Woodworking: 10 (66.7%)
  • Ceramics: 10 (66.7%)
  • Painting: 8 (53.3%)
  • Printmaking: 8 (53.3%)
  • Digital Art: 8 (53.3%)
  • Bookmaking/Photography/Fiber Arts: 1 (6.7%)
  • Fiber arts: 1 (6.7%)
  • 3d printing: 1 (6.7%)

What feature of joining an art collective most appeals to you?

  • Space to create: 7 (46.7%) 
  • Access to fixtures and tools I don’t have: 6 (40%) 
  • Space to sell art: 2 (13.3%) 

How much would you pay each month for 24/7 access to a shared art studio?

  •  $0 – $25: 8 (53.3%) 
  • $26 – $50: 4 (26.7%)
  • $51 – $75: 2 (13.3%)
  • $75+: 1 (6.7%)

And this is a problem. How much space is required, and how many people are likely to show up at one time? A lot of spaces I’ve looked at are in the neighborhood of $10/sq.ft/year. A place with 2000 sq. ft then costs $1667/mo before utilities and supplies. For the sake of argument, lets say $2500/mo. That means we need 100 members at $25/mo. If you have 100 members, how many typically show up at the same time? 

Maybe it becomes more reasonable to have 50 members and make up the difference with monthly events like Drink and Draw, Open Mic, or other instructional classes offered at a discount or free to members, but at a higher fixed cost to the general public.

In any case, this kind of bears out that finding a deal on space is very important. 

Would you consider being an instructor or host for a one-off or recurring event?

  • I would be willing to try: 7 (46.7%)
  • Absolutely: 4 (26.7%)
  • No Way: 4 (26.7%)

Would you be interested in volunteering your time to help with events or general maintenance in order to have access to the studio at a reduced cost?

  • Yes: 12 (80%)
  • Maybe: 3 (20%)
  • Which one of these events would you be interested in attending?
  • Drink and Draw: 14 (93.3%)
  • Paint & Sip: 12 (80%)
  • Introductory Art Courses 12 (80%)
  • Pot luck dinner 10 (66.7%)
  • Kid-Friendly activities 10 (66.7%)
  • Open Mic 9 (60%)
  • Peer Review 5 (33.3%)

Which of these tools/fixtures would you MOST want access to?

  • Pottery Wheel/Kiln: 4 (26.7%)
  • Drawing tables: 4 (26.7%)
  • Printmaking studio: 4 (26.7%)
  • Power Tools: 1 (6.7%)
  • Easels: 1 (6.7%)
  • Craft tables: 1 (6.7%)

Which of these tools/fixtures would you LEAST want access to?

  • 3D Printers:  4 (26.7%)
  • Computer Lab: 3 (20%)
  • Power Tools: 3 (20%)
  • Photo backdrop: 2 (13.3%)
  • Easels: 2 (13.3%)
  • Pottery Wheel/kilns: 1 (6.7%)

Which of these features is MOST important to you?

  • Access to a wide variety of tools and fixtures: 8 (53.3%)
  • Creating within a community, not a vacuum: 4 (26.7%)
  • Personal lockable space: 2 (13.3%)
  • Large amounts of space to work with: 1 (6.7%)

Which of these features is LEAST important to you?

  • Prime location: 9 (60%)
  • Personal lockable space: 2 (13.3%)
  • Large amounts of space to work with: 2 (13.3%)
  • Creating within a community: 1 (6.7%)
  • Access to a wide variety of tools and fixtures: 1 (6.7%)

Other Topics Discussed

  • Acknowledging the existence of Jubilee Artisans
  • Discussing the minimum viable design for such an organization
  • Costs associated with rent
  • “Nice to Haves” and “Dream Vision”
  • The importance of making this a group effort

See also, this video from June 2023 when I talked about some other possibilities and how this idea originally came to be:


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